Tuesday, August 27, 2024

9 simple ways to be more positive in life

9 simple ways to be more positive in life

How you think determines how you feel. A positive mindset helps you view the challenges in your life with optimism. Research shows that people who think positively have a better quality of life and live longer. It acts as a medicine against stress, fatigue, depression and even viruses. But how do you create a positive attitude?



These proven techniques will help you become a positive thinker.


 1. Be grateful
If you read our blogs regularly, you've probably come across this tip before. That's because, in our opinion, it simply works well. Gratitude helps you focus on the beautiful things in your life. It provides perspective when you are frustrated, anxious, or sad and helps you enjoy daily happiness.  
Practice gratitude by meditating or keeping a gratitude journal. For example, at the end of the day, write down three things you are grateful for. What went well, what was pleasant, what are you proud of?
2. Get rid of your negative thoughts
Negative thoughts are human. Sometimes they come to you uninvited. In order to give your thoughts a positive turn in such moments, it is important to first observe them. 

3. Be kind to yourself





We are often our own worst critics. This is a shame because being hard on yourself is demotivating and can lead to low self-esteem. So in the future, try to limit your self-criticism or give it a positive twist.




Instead of thinking of yourself as lazy or unambitious if you don't complete your to-do list, try speaking positively to yourself: "I didn't get it done today because I had a bad day. That’s fine, I’ll try again tomorrow.”



Do you find yourself complaining about work, criticizing others, or focusing on your own mistakes? Then stop and think about these thoughts for a moment. Then think of two positive ways to refute these thoughts. For example: Work isn't fun right now, but better times will come. I also have very nice colleagues with whom I have a lot of fun.
4. Attribute positive events to yourself
Has something nice happened in your life? Then attribute the event to your personality or abilities. Optimists tend to see positive events as their own merit, while pessimists tend to attribute them to external factors or coincidences. When you receive positive feedback on a project, remember what contribution you made. No more thoughts like “Oh, that was an easy project”. Choose positive!
💡 Also read: How to turn stress and anxiety into something positive
5. Help others
This is the best win-win situation in life. When you help others, you're also helping yourself. Whether you donate money to a charity, help a friend move, or help your brother write a job application, you'll immediately feel happier. And a nice side effect: people who are friendly and helpful also live longer.
6. Celebrate life!
Don't wait for your birthday, a promotion, or a marriage proposal to celebrate life. Even the little things are worth celebrating. Did you meet your deadline? Have you been to the gym? Have you completed that tedious task you've been putting off for far too long? Have you seen a beautiful sunset? Take a moment to think and reward yourself with a treat.
Life happens today. So celebrate it today too.
7. Body first, thoughts will follow
Research shows that laughter reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Laughter also improves mood and is good for self-confidence. So allow yourself to laugh. Even – and perhaps especially – when you find yourself in a difficult situation. Even a forced or “fake” laugh or smile relieves stress and instantly improves your mood. You're fooling your brain, so to speak. Try it.
A positive posture is also helpful: straight back, shoulders back and chin up. A positive posture creates a positive mental attitude. 
8. Go outside
Perhaps the easiest tip to implement. Exercise and fresh air are proven to be good for our mood and help you be an optimistic person.
9. Escape from the crab pot
Do you know the wonderful phenomenon of crabs in a basket? Although they can easily escape, the crabs pull each other down so neither can escape. 
People are the same way sometimes. Do you feel like there are people in your life who bring you down? Then spend more time with people who bring out the best in you. 
Positivity is contagious. Surrounding yourself with positive people will also likely make you feel better and have more confidence. Sometimes this is not possible. For example, if you have a colleague who doesn't bring you much positive energy. Then don't pay too much attention to it, but concentrate on the positive people in the group.
It doesn't mean burying challenging thoughts
Positive thinking doesn't mean you have to bury or hide all your negative thoughts. Sometimes things happen in our lives that are not positive. It's important to allow accompanying emotions, such as sadness or fear, so that you can process them. After all, no one is the sunshine of the house forever. 




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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The successes reach "3"

The man who believe his manager in his words as a holy word can go to the wrong way or side as the manager is a human body and has some needs that needs may abstract the needs of our hero., thus the result of achieve his needs is the more powerful . The most employee tend to be safe and achieve the needs of their manger .
It is right when it is not legal and not decreases of man honor. The need to get success in case of facing this problem need more patient ,more knowledge and more understanding to the thoughts of the other. The man who tries to improve that he understands everything is actually man who understands nothing.
The manger tries to improve all that he is the only man for this position and try not to make second leader. He is the most unsseccful person.
I.e. the strong well, strong and long patient, good knowledge and strong believe in God make man get over in every negative forces.

the success reaches 4

 In the dusty corner of a forgotten library, a man named Marcus hunched over an ancient scroll, his eyes scanning the faded ink with a desperation that seemed almost palpable. His fingertips, calloused from years of handling such relics, traced the intricate lines of text, hoping to find a glimmer of hope within the stories of those who had come before him. Marcus was a historian by trade, but in his heart, he was a dreamer, always searching for tales of triumph over adversity. His own life had been a series of setbacks and failures, leaving him feeling like a mere shadow in the grand pattern of human achievement.

The room was quiet, save for the occasional sigh that escaped his lips as he turned page after page. The air had the scent of aged parchment and a hint of mustiness that clung to the ancient tomes surrounding him. The candlelight cast eerie shadows that danced upon the towering bookshelves, hinting at secrets and wisdom long lost to the modern world. Marcus felt a kinship with these relics, both of them overlooked and undervalued.

It was on one such evening, as the candle burned low, that he stumbled upon the story of a young boy named Elian. Born into a world of conflict and chaos, Elian had a spirit that was unbreakable despite his frail physique. The scroll spoke of his village being raided by a merciless enemy, leaving only him alive amidst the destruction. With a fierce determination to survive, Elian set out into the wilderness,




The success reaches

Most of failure persons expose to the feel that they are the lowest persons in that life ,thus their life does not matter for others and as will as for them and so they get back of life and think in die . The think in die is not bad that makes man stop of doing an illegal things like murder stealing or raping. The think of die leads to the will to die.
The inner forces that one does not know can solve this problem and lead him to be more act than his opposite.
Once a student was very weak in English as a language. His master show him to his colleagues as an unsucceful person. He put to him a low degree even he didn't see his answer .he makes him as a joke .the student went to his home wit a bad temper . he told his mom that he wanted to die. The mother didn't said any thing except if you wanted die do it immediately and don't hesitate and leave us facing our poor and bad manner. I consider you as our hero. You will make us get over this bad manner.
The student entered his room and thought of his mother said. He make a strong deal with himself that he studied hard .he entered for study night center and took several courses at this language .as he passed as first student he worked as translators for several centers .At the end of the year ,when the result appear and he got a good mark ,his master didn't believe and ordered to repeat his examination as he was the most fruitless person all university.
the student who left the master with his anger became a master of this branch.
Look at your inner and you will discover a great power

In the dusty corner of a forgotten library, a man named Marcus hunched over an ancient scroll, his eyes scanning the faded ink with a desperation that seemed almost palpable. His fingertips, calloused from years of handling such relics, traced the intricate lines of text, hoping to find a glimmer of hope within the stories of those who had come before him. Marcus was a historian by trade, but in his heart, he was a dreamer, always searching for tales of triumph over adversity. His own life had been a series of setbacks and failures, leaving him feeling like a mere shadow in the grand pattern of human achievement.

Examples for success after Frustration 2

He sells cheapest than any traders . he was intelligent and smart that makes his fellows becoming angry with him. They made a plan to destroy him they burned his shop . he went to his home with a great angry . his shop was not been insured . He began with small half car .He started again. He walked through streets till he sold and gained a great
Money than 1st time and bought a great shop and became a famous than 1st.
#.a soldier was in a battle and he lost his weapon except a hand bomb and the enemy surrounded his chase . he wanted to escape .he found the enemy surrounding his chase everywhere they were ready. He acted as a die until two of his enemy and he got up and attacked him. He cold suddenly take their weapons and stroke them on their heads. They lost their consciousness . he went out and make a battle with others and could kill four of them. The others escaped and he wear a cloth of his enemy and could run away

Examples of Success After Frustration


Frustration is a common emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It often arises when we face obstacles or setbacks that seem insurmountable. However, many successful individuals have turned their frustration into motivation, leading to remarkable achievements. In this blog post, we will explore inspiring examples of success after frustration and provide tips on how to overcome challenges to achieve your goals.

The Power of Perseverance

Perseverance is the key to overcoming frustration. It involves staying committed to your goals despite the difficulties you encounter. Here are some powerful examples of individuals who achieved success through perseverance:

1. Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, faced numerous failures before achieving success. He famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Edison's relentless determination and refusal to give up eventually led to one of the most significant inventions in history.

2. J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, faced rejection from multiple publishers before her first book was accepted. She was a single mother living on welfare, but her passion for writing kept her going. Today, she is one of the most successful authors in the world.

3. Walt Disney

Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper job because he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas." He faced several business failures before creating the iconic Disney brand. His story is a testament to the power of creativity and perseverance.

Turning Frustration into Motivation

Frustration can be a powerful motivator if channeled correctly. Here are some strategies to turn frustration into success:

1. Set Clear Goals

Having clear, achievable goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to make progress more attainable.

2. Learn from Failures

View failures as learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong and use that knowledge to improve your approach. Remember, every setback is a step closer to success.

3. Stay Positive

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. Surround yourself with supportive people and engage in activities that boost your mood and confidence.

Real-Life Success Stories

Let's look at some real-life success stories that demonstrate how individuals overcame frustration to achieve greatness:

1. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey faced numerous challenges, including a difficult childhood and early career setbacks. Despite these obstacles, she became a media mogul and one of the most influential women in the world. Her story is a powerful example of resilience and determination.

2. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., was once ousted from his own company. Instead of giving up, he founded NeXT and Pixar, both of which achieved great success. Jobs eventually returned to Apple and transformed it into one of the most valuable companies in the world.

3. Colonel Sanders

Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC, faced many rejections before his fried chicken recipe was accepted. He started his business at the age of 65, proving that it's never too late to achieve success.

Tips for Overcoming Frustration

Here are some practical tips to help you overcome frustration and stay on the path to success:

1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help you stay calm and focused during challenging times.

2. Seek Support

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or mentors who can provide guidance and encouragement.

3. Stay Flexible

Be open to changing your approach if something isn't working. Flexibility and adaptability are essential for overcoming obstacles and finding new solutions.


Frustration is a natural part of the journey to success. By learning from the examples of those who have turned their frustration into motivation, you can find the strength to persevere and achieve your goals. Remember, every setback is an opportunity to grow and improve. Stay positive, stay focused, and never give up on your dreams.


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       Success after frustration

       Overcoming obstacles

       Perseverance stories

       Motivational success stories

       Turning frustration into motivation

       Inspirational success examples

       Achieving goals despite setbacks

       Famous success stories

       Tips for overcoming frustration

       Real-life success stories

YouTube Tags

       Success after frustration

       Overcoming obstacles

       Perseverance stories

       Motivational success stories

       Turning frustration into motivation

       Inspirational success examples

       Achieving goals despite setbacks

       Famous success stories

       Tips for overcoming frustration

       Real-life success stories

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1. 12 Ways to Cope With Frustration: How Effective Are Yours?

2. How to Deal with Frustration: 9 Tips for Handling Difficult Situations ...

3. How to Deal With Frustration - Verywell Mind

4. How Failures Lead To Success and Lessons That Can Help You Succeed - Indeed

5. Top 100 Success and Motivational Blogs to Follow - The STRIVE

6. 9 Inspiring Examples of Successful Blogs (And How They Got There)

7. 22 Blog Examples: Top Successful Blogs (to Learn From) 2024 - RyRob.com

8. 125+ SEO Power Word Examples to Increase Engagement and Conversions

9. SEO Words: The Ultimate Guide to Optimization and Keyword Rankings

10. SEO Power Words: Ultimate List & Guide - SEO.co Blog

11. YouTube Tags and YouTube Keywords: How to Use Them Smartly - Artlist.io

12. Rapidtags | YouTube Tag Generator and Optimizer

13. Mastering YouTube Video Tags: Complete 2022 Guide + Top 10 Tag ...






we must go to suscide

there were group of youth "males and females "went by the shore of the ocean and went to suicide as they as one of them said, :they experienced all things of life , all things and they wanted to experience one thing "Dead"
they drank wines. 
one of he belonged to Islam religion was walking with some men inviting for praying and went to Mosques for Muslims. 
as the youth were singing and dancing in strange way, they went to them and talked them in spite of the main purposes they got out, to persuade Muslims go to pared in groups. they asked the youth , one of them told them their wish.
one of the men asked them to go to mosque to experience Islam , if they do not satisfy with that , they will all go with them to suicide." 

the females went to home where Muslim wean live, and males went to mosque.
the were learnt "alwdooa" "begin with mentioned God "ALLAH"then wish their hands three then ,wash mouth three and nose by adsobs water by nose and push them by breath and fingers. then wash their faces three , then right arm three , till elbow and the left arm three also. then wash or pass hands over head and wash legs , foot "right and left three.
they learnt metioned God and pary five prayers one afternoon, second after noon within 2 or three hours when thee shadow of man became twice of his long. then paryer when sun down and prayer when the dark came. the five was when the sun rises. 
they learnt some verses of Holy Quraan and knew more about it. they heard it. they went in waves of crying as thwey did n't believe what it is going/
they learnt to sleep early and walk up early, preventing of wine and alkohol  they learnt and eperienced fasten from sunrises till sundowns, preventing of eating and drinking and smoking at this time. they learnt how to eat in social and economic. they learnt prayer in group before one person"el amam "who is the leader. after these daye passed most of them loved Islam and became Muslims . some who had eager and desire travelled to Mecca for Umra. all blamed muslims not spreading this smart religion. "Islam"