Saturday, June 14, 2008

The unsuccessful person1c

Are the managers the reasons of the failure to some of their employee ? yes this can be done .In most conditions ,the managers wanted the others to thanks their great help , to commend their intelligent, their clever and their great situations. If one can do this thanks, commends, and let them thinking in every thing of life. Actually, the smart man wouldn't like to do it. But the little go with wind and finally they lost their thinking. The mangers are like the rich countries wanted to take every thing and didn't give nothing. Actually they give a little to let the poor still alive to be useful to them
They wanted to destroy him to make that the other believe their sight . What can man do? Inmost manner ,he can't do nothing .But he can do some thing like develop himself ,decreases the disadvantage of his fruitless . He can learn more to be the best
Or finally he can travel away.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The unsuccessful person1b

As I mentioned that the man is not successful or unsuccessful. The man can increase his situation to be a succeed man to be a famous man. He can changed his life to a great and wide life. The man is not an animal. He had mind who can deals with others in safe good conditions. That conditions may be may be not as he wanted . but he must be patient and intelligent . the smart man is the man can' be defeated easily. The smart man could go every where but he can't gain money easily. But the dull man can not gain friends or people easily but he may be rich .
This must not broke the smart man .He must use his mind to change his life.It is not a rule but it spread in a wide range.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The unsuccessful person1

There was a governor that dealt directly with his people. He told them with the problems of their country honestly . The people considered that facts is great than normal .they in the 2nd selection didn't select him . they considered him as un successful person as he grew their problems. He became failure person
How do the governor deal with this people as them?.
He must not tell the most problems that make the photo dark .he must shows his people the success things and the failure things. He must tell them the country is good but it needs some of working hard to be best
The fact is the man shows problems are rows beside each others like a mountain that can't be dealt with. The man must look to the problem with a good and rosy look
As there is bad problem there good gain and the man may not be successful at all ,or unsuccessful at all

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The unsuccessful person

This person is a person deal with a problem trying to solve it or it may be also he is a problem. The poor countries has a poor persons and lazy persons. so the poor increase becomes as a huge incredible creator .the president of this country appears that as a safer. The media polish his photo as what he says, what he does as a rule that every man in his country must do as his president and must agree with his thoughts .If he does ,he will be a great citizen in the country. If he doesn't , he will enter the prison and take a lot of bad dealing .So the only hope is to return the respect to the person and belt a new relation ship between the govern and his people. The happier thing happened in the 3rd countries is the death of the president as they were regard to new president change their life to the best.
The conclusions of that is there isn't more important than honest and justice.The man can fight every thing If he had a faithful, believe in God and reliable

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The unsuccessful person

This person is a person deal with a problem trying to solve it or it may be also he is a problem. The poor countries has a poor persons and lazy persons. so the poor increase becomes as a huge incredible creator .the president of this country appears that as a safer. The media polish his photo as what he says, what he does as a rule that every man in his country must do as his president and must agree with his thoughts .If he does ,he will be a great citizen in the country. If he doesn't , he will enter the prison and tak a lot of bad dealing .So the only hope is to return the respect to the person v

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The unsuccessful trade3a

The unsuccessful trade can represent by destroying the development nation .When the war began can several countries make a deal to destroy the warriors countries to destroy them and make the war to take along time before end. They supply one of them the weapons and the other the against weapons that fight it. They supply also the charts and a useful knowledge to one and the other tell him to change the places some of his army to clear for the 1st that they are honest and the other that they protect him from a danger they know by their advanced technology and not to destroy the 2nd army forces to make the wheel of war turning .The most benefit of that is they buying more and more weapons and their economic and their research increase and the poor people became more poor .they increase their world situation as the world confused with the strongest people.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The unsuccessful trade3a

The unsuccessful trade can represent by destroying the development nation .When the war began can several countries make a deal to destroy the warriors countries to destroy them and make the war to take along time before end. They supply one of them the weapons and the other the against weapons that fight it. They supply also the charts and a useful knowledge to one and the other tell him to change the places some of his army to clear for the 1st that they are honest and the other that they protect him from a danger they know by their advanced technology and not to destroy the 2nd army forces to make the wheel of war turning .The most benefit of that is they buying more and more weapons and their economic and their research increase and the poor people became more poor .they increase their world situation as the world confused with the strongest people.

The unsuccessful trade3

There is a report dealing with the increase of human body through years. It said if the increase of people still growing it will make a great problem to them .1st the increasing people will leave their lands and immigrate to their countries . This will release the happy life they live, 2nd they will increase the appearance of poor on the earth ,3rd they will cause big problems to the advanced nations and may cause anew world war which they hate, 4th the welfare of life decreased.
The solution is what is the solution?.
The solution is to get ride of them ,of all poor people by increasing the wars between them, decreasing the food and rice prices of it, occupying the source of energy and controlled in supplying them, and increasing the war between poor people for water source till they destroy them selves
Now the world is 6 milliards .They wanted it 4 milliards in 200 years.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The unsuccessful trade2

We must take attention that Arab nations was been looked as a people of the third or the last people of people pyramid. They put American and European in high class i.e the white man is the 1st man all over the world . The man who can thinking ,fighting and protect the earth from any enemy even external enemy and the rest are looking only. Then the yellow person on the second stage and Arab and black persons on the third stage .
So, they was been considered as animal creatures. They believe that third nations have no right to think, doing even protect themselves. They believe also the 3rd stage nations are responsible for the sadness or unhappy allover the world

The unsuccessful trade

Can the war of Iraq affected in trading? This is a question important .The easy answer yes. It may be right or may be wrong .The most actual affected trade is weapon trade .that trade increased very much .that actually occurred for unbalance of power in the middle region. Israel has weapons more than the weapons all Arab have and more they hadn't nuclear weapon as Israel but every country at region try to protect herself from the enemy .Who is the most enemy at this region? Israel actually the most enemy {famous enemy is Israel}. You may said that a big lie as Israel is a democracy kind in a poor lands govern by alone one . So the Israel is the face of modern and advanced land. why did Israel build? It good to collect several people from all world to build anew country upon actually existent country .all of modern and advanced countries believe that Arab countries are undevelompent land and their people are barbarians.