Monday, October 20, 2008

the economic problem

Every man says that I may be unsuccessful man or has frustration luck .HE says yes full of his mouth though he might be reach ,or he might not loss a lot of his wealth.
What's happening?
USA lost a lot of wealth. it can be affected. in fact no but for person like workers and small business man.some of them had lost trier balance .the point of balance is very important .the question is "Why a lot of people them selves in spite they can repeat the steps of success and why did not men or women killed themselves in Islamic countries in spite they are moor poor than America.if you look at Arabic countries you may found a lot of businessmen had lost a lot of money some killed themselves (they are a little but most catch with a hope . What is a hope of life. they knew that their is a strong power which control of all life . the life may be changed in a while .2nd who helped them in their last if they didn't obey their God. 3rd the person who killed himself would suffer till no end but for ever.
WHAT IS the problem?
the problem is that most reach people or countries didn't feel with poor person or countries.
What is the problem? how can I got up again? is there a hope of life?