Wednesday, August 31, 2011

the dwarf

the palm says,''
i am tallest than every one
that i can reach that high palm
and get a piles of dates
that can eat by beauty mouth
i can take that most lightening
to put it in your ear as a ring
i can reach to the hottest sun
to decrease its hot
as the lover is gone
i can reach to that moon
to make it as a lamp to show her her done
but suddenly the storm appears
and he butts it at its head
it dropped to the earth
the smile filled all faces

Monday, August 29, 2011

Link Wheels are working!!!! From Page 5 to Page 1 in less than a month.

Link Wheels are working!!!!


Only two months ago, TLA rolled out Permanent Links on Hub Pages.  Several of our advertisers took us up on this new service and the results have been outstanding!


Our clients have seen significantly improved organic rankings – especially for local clients and businesses targeting long tail keywords.


“David, I invested in a link wheel on July 26 for a local keyword in position #53.  As of August 29th, my website is in POSITION #2!” – Client Confidential


Another client started showing up on page 1 for several keywords where his site hadn’t previously ranked in the top 50 at all. *


Our VIP Package provides OVER 80 LINKS for less than $10 apiece – and this is a one-time fee!


Consider adding a link wheel to your SEO strategy – take a look at the attached pdf for more information.  Thanks!


David McBee

Senior Account Executive


77 Water Street, 12th Floor

New York, NY 10005



*Note that the clients referred to in this email were targeting local keywords with their link wheels, but link wheels are also good for long tail keywords and for balancing out high PageRank purchases.


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