Wednesday, August 21, 2024

we must go to suscide

there were group of youth "males and females "went by the shore of the ocean and went to suicide as they as one of them said, :they experienced all things of life , all things and they wanted to experience one thing "Dead"
they drank wines. 
one of he belonged to Islam religion was walking with some men inviting for praying and went to Mosques for Muslims. 
as the youth were singing and dancing in strange way, they went to them and talked them in spite of the main purposes they got out, to persuade Muslims go to pared in groups. they asked the youth , one of them told them their wish.
one of the men asked them to go to mosque to experience Islam , if they do not satisfy with that , they will all go with them to suicide." 

the females went to home where Muslim wean live, and males went to mosque.
the were learnt "alwdooa" "begin with mentioned God "ALLAH"then wish their hands three then ,wash mouth three and nose by adsobs water by nose and push them by breath and fingers. then wash their faces three , then right arm three , till elbow and the left arm three also. then wash or pass hands over head and wash legs , foot "right and left three.
they learnt metioned God and pary five prayers one afternoon, second after noon within 2 or three hours when thee shadow of man became twice of his long. then paryer when sun down and prayer when the dark came. the five was when the sun rises. 
they learnt some verses of Holy Quraan and knew more about it. they heard it. they went in waves of crying as thwey did n't believe what it is going/
they learnt to sleep early and walk up early, preventing of wine and alkohol  they learnt and eperienced fasten from sunrises till sundowns, preventing of eating and drinking and smoking at this time. they learnt how to eat in social and economic. they learnt prayer in group before one person"el amam "who is the leader. after these daye passed most of them loved Islam and became Muslims . some who had eager and desire travelled to Mecca for Umra. all blamed muslims not spreading this smart religion. "Islam"


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