Tuesday, August 27, 2024

9 simple ways to be more positive in life

9 simple ways to be more positive in life

How you think determines how you feel. A positive mindset helps you view the challenges in your life with optimism. Research shows that people who think positively have a better quality of life and live longer. It acts as a medicine against stress, fatigue, depression and even viruses. But how do you create a positive attitude?



These proven techniques will help you become a positive thinker.


 1. Be grateful
If you read our blogs regularly, you've probably come across this tip before. That's because, in our opinion, it simply works well. Gratitude helps you focus on the beautiful things in your life. It provides perspective when you are frustrated, anxious, or sad and helps you enjoy daily happiness.  
Practice gratitude by meditating or keeping a gratitude journal. For example, at the end of the day, write down three things you are grateful for. What went well, what was pleasant, what are you proud of?
2. Get rid of your negative thoughts
Negative thoughts are human. Sometimes they come to you uninvited. In order to give your thoughts a positive turn in such moments, it is important to first observe them. 

3. Be kind to yourself





We are often our own worst critics. This is a shame because being hard on yourself is demotivating and can lead to low self-esteem. So in the future, try to limit your self-criticism or give it a positive twist.




Instead of thinking of yourself as lazy or unambitious if you don't complete your to-do list, try speaking positively to yourself: "I didn't get it done today because I had a bad day. That’s fine, I’ll try again tomorrow.”



Do you find yourself complaining about work, criticizing others, or focusing on your own mistakes? Then stop and think about these thoughts for a moment. Then think of two positive ways to refute these thoughts. For example: Work isn't fun right now, but better times will come. I also have very nice colleagues with whom I have a lot of fun.
4. Attribute positive events to yourself
Has something nice happened in your life? Then attribute the event to your personality or abilities. Optimists tend to see positive events as their own merit, while pessimists tend to attribute them to external factors or coincidences. When you receive positive feedback on a project, remember what contribution you made. No more thoughts like “Oh, that was an easy project”. Choose positive!
💡 Also read: How to turn stress and anxiety into something positive
5. Help others
This is the best win-win situation in life. When you help others, you're also helping yourself. Whether you donate money to a charity, help a friend move, or help your brother write a job application, you'll immediately feel happier. And a nice side effect: people who are friendly and helpful also live longer.
6. Celebrate life!
Don't wait for your birthday, a promotion, or a marriage proposal to celebrate life. Even the little things are worth celebrating. Did you meet your deadline? Have you been to the gym? Have you completed that tedious task you've been putting off for far too long? Have you seen a beautiful sunset? Take a moment to think and reward yourself with a treat.
Life happens today. So celebrate it today too.
7. Body first, thoughts will follow
Research shows that laughter reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Laughter also improves mood and is good for self-confidence. So allow yourself to laugh. Even – and perhaps especially – when you find yourself in a difficult situation. Even a forced or “fake” laugh or smile relieves stress and instantly improves your mood. You're fooling your brain, so to speak. Try it.
A positive posture is also helpful: straight back, shoulders back and chin up. A positive posture creates a positive mental attitude. 
8. Go outside
Perhaps the easiest tip to implement. Exercise and fresh air are proven to be good for our mood and help you be an optimistic person.
9. Escape from the crab pot
Do you know the wonderful phenomenon of crabs in a basket? Although they can easily escape, the crabs pull each other down so neither can escape. 
People are the same way sometimes. Do you feel like there are people in your life who bring you down? Then spend more time with people who bring out the best in you. 
Positivity is contagious. Surrounding yourself with positive people will also likely make you feel better and have more confidence. Sometimes this is not possible. For example, if you have a colleague who doesn't bring you much positive energy. Then don't pay too much attention to it, but concentrate on the positive people in the group.
It doesn't mean burying challenging thoughts
Positive thinking doesn't mean you have to bury or hide all your negative thoughts. Sometimes things happen in our lives that are not positive. It's important to allow accompanying emotions, such as sadness or fear, so that you can process them. After all, no one is the sunshine of the house forever. 




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